Do you make a kitchen soap? Do you use a kitchen soap? Do you think I am talking about dish soap or dishwasher soap? Well, kitchen soap is a soap that helps remove kitchen fragrances from your hands, such as onions and garlic. I also like to use it to wash my dirty gardening hands and for when I want to remove body odors. Most of the kitchen type soaps I have seen will usually contain coffee grounds and rosemary. Coffee and rosemary are great fragrance removers, and coffee grounds helps to exfoliate dead body skin,. My kitchen/garden soap contains wonderful oils such as coconut, palm, avocado, olive, sunflower, and shea butter. (These ingredients are not listed in the order of the weights.) The soap is fragranced with 5 x pink grapefruit and orange essential oils and with lavender essential oil. Some of the other ingredients are lemon, lime, celery, and cucumber. It sounds like the whole refrigerator is in the soap so calling it a kitchen soap makes since. LOL I think this soap would be great for mechanics too. This is 100 % natural and 100% vegan soap.