Thursday, October 18, 2012

Knit and Crochet Markers

All the questions about knit and crochet markers you were afraid to ask.  (Probably you were afraid to ask just in case I would engage you in a long conversation you didn't want to have.  LOL)

If you knit or crochet, sooner or later you will use a pattern that will require a marker.  Sometimes it is just to mark the beginning of a row, and other times you will need several markers.  The best markers are more individualized in taste and project.  A safety pin, an o ring, a plastic ring, or a ring of yarn will work, but usually I look for something a little prettier.  Since I buy  pretty knitting needles, I want my markers to look nice too.  I prefer one that does not get caught in my yarn, so snag proof is best, but not the only criteria.  I may desire something to match what I am making, so I can look for a certain color when I choose one.  If I am knitting with wool, I like to use the individually made sheep markers --- black and white.  I have purchased markers in the past to match the needles before.  The pink flamingos had matching needles.  The needles and the markers were not made by the same artist, but they were closely matching.  The needles did not last long because the skinny legs of the flamingos popped off of the needles.  Some markers are sold individually and some are sold in sets.  Through the years, I usually loose one or two, so it adds a little fun to a project when you mismatch your markers.  I have received free markers when I purchased a magazine.  It is always nice to get free things.  (I always wondered what happened to the markers that were on magazines that were not sold.  I guess that is another blog.  LOL)  There are stitch markers just made for knitting.  Those are usually o  shaped, but can have decorations hanging from them.  The ones with a little hook are intended for crocheting.  There are some made as an o and they also have an opening.  These intended for both knit and crochet projects.  One of the samples in my picture has a wire going into a bead, but it does not go all the way through.  Each side just goes through the bead a little way.  Those markers loose the beads since the wire is not stiff enough to keep from bending easily.  Plastic and metal are the normal ring materials, but beads can be made from a variety of materials.  (glass, plastic, stone, Sculpey)  My favorite markers are the ones with the tiny pink cameos dangling and the hand made glass sheep markers, both the white and black.

Do you use markers and what are your favorites?

Blessings to you and yours!  Dawn

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