Sunday, April 21, 2013

Who do you relate to?

Out of all of the actors, which one do you relate to the most and why?  I think the person I relate to the most is Aunt Bee.  She has lace on her dresses and wears a string of purls.  I wear lace on many of my outfits too.  She is content doing domestic engineering.  I would love to be at home and cook for my family.  She is nice to everyone and smiles all of the time.  I work in the public eye and I am nice to most of the people I meet and I usually greet most people with a smile.  She is a little bit of a prude, and who knows what her background is or what she does when she is not in the public eye?  I think I let my hair down a little when I am not in the public.  Aunt Bee knits and so do I.  I am nearly the same age of Aunt Bee when she started on the Andy Griffith show.  She is concerned about others and so am I---friends and strangers alike.  If you haven't noticed she is a little extra fluffy and has a double chin.   I too carry extra weight and a double chin.  Most of all, she is someone most people would like to know and could place their trust in.  I think we could be great friends.


Blessing to you and yours!  Dawnie

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